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Hello Readers, Welcome back, Today, Aspire SoftServ Pvt. Ltd. presents a new blog on the “Best React Native Libraries and Frameworks for Every Developer 2022”.
Every developer should keep all updates on the latest news and trends related to their main technology. In case JavaScript is your main technology, you are at the right place.
ReactJS has become very popular after its introduction. In this blog, you will get details of the popular and common react-native libraries and frameworks.
What is React Native?
As per Wikipedia, React Native is an open-source UI software framework created by Facebook, Inc. It is used to develop applications for Android, Android TV, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Web, Windows and UWP by enabling developers to use the React framework along with native platform capabilities.
| Read also: What is React, 5 minutes of create-react-app.
Why is React Native?
React Native enables developers to create and build cross-platform apps which look and feel completely Native since it uses JavaScript components that are both built on Android and iOS components. It saves a lot of time, effort and money as developers don’t need to create the same app for different platforms.
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- The Complete Beginner’s Guide to React Function Components
- The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Routing in React
- The Minimal Guide of React Redux
- React VS React Native-Which is the BEST for your Business
- Best React Native Libraries & Frameworks for Every Developer 2021
Let’s dive into the best react native libraries which are useful for every react or react native developer.
Best React Native Libraries 2022
If you are an experienced or beginner developer, Before starting your next React project, please take a look at the below best React libraries and frameworks that can help you to gain knowledge and build some apps with beautiful UI.
| Read also: React vs React Native – which is the best for your Business
User interface React Native Libraries
In the User interface based React Native Libraries, Modern users demand only the best UI experience and won’t tolerate amateur work. Use these libraries to make your app UI allows developers professional-like plugins.
React Native Base
React NativeBase is fully open-source and has 13,000+ stars on Github. same JavaScript codebase and working with platform-specific design for Android and iOS, you can achieve a native look and feel for your app.
Official url:

If you want yourself to rewrite React components for different platforms like android, ios and web, you should give it a try with NativeBase, a dynamic front-end framework.
The library is a collection of necessary cross-platform React Native components and is a great place to start building your app.
React Native Teaset
React Native Teaset is a perfect addition to the react-native libraries list of React Native component libraries. It is a UI library featuring 20+ pure JS(ES6) for component content classes. Teaset is a perfect fit for those developers who have a fondness for simplicity and design. It concentrates on content display and action control.
Official URL:

React Native Material Kit
React Native Material Kit provides a free native app template with material design. It is built with the Galio framework, it redesigns the most common components to keep things minimal and be in tune with Google’s material design. It’s easy to use and includes 200+ handcrafted elements like cards, inputs, buttons and navigation. All components can choose colour contrasts by creating changes to the theme.
Official URL:

React Native Material UI
Google crafted this beautiful set of components that execute their famous Material Design. Material UI is the most famous UI package of all React libraries having more stars on Github.
Official URL:

It is user-friendly, light, attractive, and simple. Developers have been using this for some years, but due to constant updates, it has gained more reputation.
React Native UI Kitten
One of the React Native component libraries that can be used as a starter kit for mobile apps for any domain, including eCommerce is React Native UI Kitten – a React Native implementation of the Eva Design system.
It is a free & open-source library, you can use the existing themes, or create as many themes of your own, all without changing the source code of the components. It also allows users to switch between dark and light themes in the runtime without reloading the page. Once you install the UI Kitten package from NPM, the user can import the components and start using them in your project.
Official URL:

React Native Paper
React Native Paper is cross-platform, its component designed using Google’s Material design standards and works on both web and mobile. There are components and interactions to match almost every use-case scenario including accessibility, animations, and UI logic.
You can customize default colours for your use. Plus you have full theming support and the choice to switch between dark & light modes.
Official URL:

React Bootstrap
React Bootstrap is a UI kit that retains its Bootstrap origin. Every component is made to be crucial for front-end framework development and quickly available. As React Bootstrap does not vary much from its Bootstrap cores, developers can choose from the thousands of quick readily available Bootstrap themes.
Official URL:

Semantic UI React
Semantic UI React is the main and official plugin for Semantic UI. It is available free from jQuery and contains shorthand props, augmentation, a declarative API, an auto-controlled state, sub-components, and so on.
Official URL:

This React Library features a list of more than 50+ components, including transitions, pagination, segments, progress bars, and many more. Semantic UI provides the robust themes as CSS Stylesheets whereas Semantic UI React provides the components.
This library includes a large variety of icons crafted for projects in React Native. Every element is completely customizable. The library provides a lot of icons for any flavour, quickly select anyone and integrate it into your project app UI.
Official URL:

Animation is the best way to make your app’s UI more appealing. Lottie-react-native is a library created by Airbnb for beautiful animation effects. The library parses mainly Adobe After Effects and exports animations in JSON format.
Official URL:

The styled-components library enables developers to write custom CSS code for component styling. The tool removes the mapping between components & styles, making it easy to use components as a low-level styling construct.
Official URL:

React-native-share: This is the best and useful library for social media engagement. You can include any social media features into your app functionality. This tool will be helpful to send and share information to the most famous social networks like Facebook, Twitter etc.
Official URL:

Type checking & linting
Below are the best React Native Libraries for type checking and linting purposes.
PropTypes is a required library for type checking code. It is mainly used for documenting the intended types of properties that are passed to components.
Official URL:

ESLint is used to provide a pluggable linting utility for JavaScript. It also allows programmers to discover issues before executing the JavaScript code.
Official URL:

One great benefit of ESLint is that it allows developers the opportunity to create their own linting rules.
Flow library is a popular, static type checker for JavaScript, created by Facebook, that identifies issues while coding. The library focuses on improving the precision and speed of coding. Flow helps in the development of large apps, preventing bad rebases when many people are working on the same single program.
Official URL:

Testing tools
In the best React Native Libraries on Testing tools instruments are necessary libraries for writing bug-free, seamless code. React Native boasts of few great testing tools and libraries. Below are the best testing libraries every developer should try once in their projects.
Jest is a popular, widely used unit testing framework created by Facebook & released on GitHub. It tests mainly JavaScript code. Jest is a flexible, adaptable testing tool with the power to reshape any JavaScript library or framework. Its advantages include snapshot testing support.
Official URL:
| Read more about Back End Testing with Sinon Mocha Chai

Enzyme is a testing tool from the Airbnb company. It supports full DOM, shallow, and static rendering. Enzyme also provides to developers API wrappers that are assumed to make manipulating, asserting, and traversing the React DOM easier.
Official URL:

One more advantage of this tool is its powerful compatibility with other testing libraries and frameworks including Jest and Mocha.
Chai is known as an assertion testing library for node & browsers that follow test-driven and behaviour-driven development principles. Same as Enzyme, Chai can also work with different testing frameworks and instruments.
Official URL:
| Read more about Back End Testing with Sinon Mocha Chai

Chai functionality can be extended with several custom plugins. What’s more, the project provides tools for developers to make their like plugins and share them.
Mocha is known as a framework for running asynchronous testing in JavaScript. It performs tests on Node.js and in the browser. Mocha is a well, mature and powerful testing tool that performs tests in series.
The framework provides precise reporting, a JavaScript API for running tests & has simple async support.
Official URL:
| Read more about Back End Testing with Sinon Mocha Chai

React-native-mock library is a third-party solution. It supports developers working with the latest versions of React Native. The library was designed to smooth the testing of React Native apps.
Official URL:

Below networking tools are useful to set up the networking workflow in React Native projects.
Axios is a lightweight and popular HTTP client library for JavaScript that was built for sending asynchronous HTTP requests to REST endpoints & performing CRUD operations. In a nutshell, you can use async & await functions to write readable asynchronous code.
Official URL:

Apollo Client
If you’re going to use GraphQL in your project, you’ll require the Apollo client. This client was built to support you effectively to create a UI that pulls data with GraphQL. The tool is compatible and adaptable.
Official URL:

react-native-firebase react library
react-native-firebase is a lightweight layer above the native Firebase libraries. It makes easy the use of Firebase with React Native by building a JavaScript bridge to the native JavaScript software development kits.
Official URL:

react-native-ble-manager is a plugin to ease connection and data transmission between a mobile phone and BLE peripherals. These managers scan devices, connect with them, read & write the values of characteristics.
Official URL:

App state – React Native Libraries
App state section is dedicated to the Redux library, as it’s one of the most effective tools for state management. We also share some extra tools to perform complete Redux functionality.
MobX library makes state management easy and effective. Any React library focuses on obstructing developers from adjusting the state, but MobX speaks about an exceptional feature that ensures that all extract.
Official URL:

It responds to every existing observable property discovered at the time of implementation of the defined function. MobX and React work together and both of them are very strong while working parallel. MobX supports update and stores the app state.
Redux is a popular library that introduced a new concept for storing data. While using Redux, you can query, insert, update, and select a record in the database. Redux also has a useful feature to alter live code.
Official URL:

The react-redux library is a small piece of code that integrates this state container into your app. It’s a wrapper for the Redux library.
Official URL:

This is a well-structured and well-documented library that offers a consistent, performant, and structured way to persist state.
Official URL:

Side effects
Side-effects is an npm library that adds side-effects to redux. Asynchronous operations and side effects management can be puzzling.
Official URL:

Redux-saga library is an open-source library to make app side effects more manageable, executable, and more reliable at handling failures. The redux-saga tool works as an intermediary and functions as a thread that you can start, pause, & cancel from the main app with normal Redux actions.
Official URL:

redux-thunk is a well-known library for working with asynchronous actions in Redux. While using it, developers can write action creators that return a function instead of an action. The library is a very small piece of code that’s easy to understand yet powerful.
Official URL:

‘redux-observable’ library is a middleware for Redux created by Netflix developers for the company’s internal projects. Nevertheless, the project is open-source, so anyone can benefit from it. The main goal of the tool is to dispatch a function that returns an observable, promise, or iterable of an action.
Official URL:

Utils React Native Libraries
The following best React Native Libraries ready-made instruments help developers work with utils in React Native projects quickly and easily.
Lodash is a toolkit of JavaScript functions that provides you with clean and performant methods for working with objects and collections.
Official URL:

The Ramda library fits completely to a functional programming style & makes it easy to create functional pipelines without user data modification.
Official URL:

Moment library was designed to work with different types of data formats and have the power to parse, manipulate and validate dates & times in JavaScript.
Official URL:

Reselect is a library to create memoized selectors. These selectors are required if you want to prevent additional redrawing and recalculation of data. Reselect can speed up your application.
Official URL:

Validate.js is an open-source library developed by Wrap. The tool was built to enable developers with a declarative way of validating JavaScript objects.
Official URL:

react-native-device-info is a simple instrument that permits an app to get information about a mobile device. The library permits users to get such information as API level, brand, build number, battery level, and device country.
Official URL:

Navigation React Native Libraries
App navigation isn’t a big deal with the following best react native libraries libraries.
React Navigation
React Navigation library supports developers in easily set up app screens. It’s an easy-to-use navigation tool based on JavaScript. The React Navigation library is fully extensible and customizable.
Official URL:

React Router React Library
React Router is a library of navigational components that compose declaratively with the project app. It allows you to specify named components, pass layout components, and build all types of layouts.
Official URL:

In the Best React Native Libraries 2022, we have covered all the famous and commonly used React libraries. Explore more React Native libraries in the react-native library. If we've missed out on any of your favorite libraries, please comment below or Contact us —we'll explore and add it to the list. Happy coding!