

Portal for wireless connectivity solutions

Aspire Softserv

Case study

About the Project

The internet is a powerful tool for learning but only if students can access it. No student should be left behind in class, at home, or en route due to lack of internet access. With this motto, customer's wireless connectivity solutions for education bridge the digital divide to ensure that your students have the access they need, when and where they need it.


Our US based client came up with a problem of understanding and solving Workday complex operations. In order to simplify these operations, we are required to understand workday operations and its working. With addition of other simplified solutions, we are in progress of delivering better and expected solutions.


Benefits Delivered

Students having on-demand internet connectivity – leaving those without it to fall behind their peers.

Wi-Fi-equipped school buses help minimize the impact of the homework gap.

With school buses having internet inside can be tracked which route they move on to which ensures student safety as well.

Students can checkout and checkin mobile phones for the internet access.

With group based firewall implementation, internet access can be filtered to the content types.

Aspire Softserv
Aspire Softserv

Problem Statement

A survey says that 20% of its students need internet connectivity at home. They are stranded at the digital divide, needing help to fully access or utilize the resources they need for their education. Students who fall behind academically are at a disadvantage for college and career readiness, widening the digital divide and ultimately causing skills gaps in the workforce. Along with this, it is important to:

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It is managed by school by applying their customised policies.

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Along with internet, devices should be available for some students who can't afford tablet/phones.

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Control over the internet content which student can see.

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Data usage restrictions to avoid waste of resources.

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Internet access en route to address homework gap.

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Collecting live GPS coordinates, mapping them against Google locations, and showing the route in real-time.

Matching data usage from the carrier and processing by the application.

Processing and storing internet traffic (data usage details).


Aspire Solutions

Aspire was involved right from the word go in implementing the education solution. Aspire helped to decide the architecture and implementation for the web-based application.

Implemented socket-based location receiver and processor to retrieve and map location coordinates with google maps.


Integrated google roads APIs to show route on the map.


Implemented server to process internet traffic files and store them to amazon redshift using s3 buckets.


Setup report server to generate various internet usage and traffic detail reports.


Implemented a connector to sync reports between application and report server.


Report sever migrations to switch to latest version always.


Created a webbased application to aid customer care representatives to see, help and correct customer issues.


Integrated Netsweeper for the internet content and usage restrictions.


Graphical dashboard to show organizations details which keeps them in control of their operations.


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