

Online Portal for the Consultants

Online Portal for the Consultants

Case study

About the Project

Portal is developed for recruitment company’s employees and partners. Users of the portal are used portal to handle the CRM flow where they will be able to get all contact and candidates details. They are capable to get customers details as well.

1. Searches – Module is used to record and handle all the Job openings requested by customer to hire right candidate.

a. My searches – User will get the Jobs on which (s)he needs to work on.

b.All Searches – Ability to check companywide all the searches.

c. Business Development – List of target Search can become opportunity, need to work with prospected customer to get new business.

d. Search Detail

i. Candidate list – Shortlisted candidate list for selected Job. Ability to handle online interview and different interview processes stage wise. There is a lot of automation involved which calculates each candidate’s fit quotient for selected job.

ii. Search Overview – Module will provide details like information of Job, Billing information, Team working on Job to find right candidate, Attachments.

iii. Frame – It will provide the Job’s synchronous fit details. Like., Required Skills, Attributes, Targeted industry, Position profile and locations.

iv. Find and Fit – Module will help to find right candidates from database.

v. Live Search Matrix – Section will provide the summary of Job progress status. Like how many candidates are in shortlist stage, Screened, Interviewed, Offered, etc.

vi. Reports – User can get the different reports on specific search. Like Weekly status report, Candidate Matrix report, etc.

e. Contacts – It is the master database of professionals in working in different industry. Users are generating contact database in many ways. They are adding contacts manually in the system, application finds the contacts from LinkedIn in and add automatically in system.

i. Profile – Section contains all the detail of contact like, Personal, Educational, Experience History etc.

ii. Compensation – It represents all the financial details. Like, Current CTC, hiring budget, Bonuses and what recruitment company will get after hiring of that contact.

iii. Strength and Potential issues – It provide the details about contact’s strength and weaknesses.

iv. Activity Log – Using activity logs, recruitment company employee can track all the follow-ups history with each activity detail.

v. Searches – If contact is already added in multiple Jobs in different company, module will provide the details that selected contact’s hiring process is in-progress with which companies and Job.

vi. Notes and Attachment – All the required contact documents.

vii. References – All the reference details.

f. Companies

i. It provides the details of customer like., Company name, website, Employee size and many more other details.

ii. Searches – Section will give all open job details from selected company.

iii. Notes and Attachment – Required documents from company and open jobs.

iv. Board Members – It will give the details of company’s board member details.

g. Users – Admin can manage portal users from users module.

h. Invites – Admin can send invite to client, candidate to use other application like., Online interview, client suite, candidate suite, etc.


Customer-offering executive searches with strategic tools and organizational insights offer clients long-term value through a collaborative consulting process. The customer has a team of partners who are each company's shareholders and work globally.


Benefits Delivered

Approximate 60% cut down on operational costs.

The new application is user-friendly for clients.

Developed a mobile application with the same functionality as a web application that helps executives manage clients' data on the go.

Ease of managing & processing information of searches, contacts, and companies.

Auto synchronization of data with the third-party cloud app.

Improved quality of service provided to clients.

Less human involvement and eliminated dependency on third-party software.

Improved efficiency and better response time

Aspire Softserv
Aspire Softserv

Problem Statement

Nowadays, it is very difficult to identify new executives, and becomes increasingly costly. Due to the lack of the up-to-date data, there is an inefficiency in processing the data and communicating the clients. There are several drawbacks of the manual reviews:

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More than 80% operational overheads to maintain data on the documents and send them over to the clients.

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Filter out candidates based on the profiles.

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Generate manual reports on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis after evaluation

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Managing the data bank for a list of contacts for later review identify opportunities and look for opportunities.

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Convert opportunity to pipeline.

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Generate manual presentations for pitching to the clients in real-time data.

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Synchronization with cloud-based service provider data.

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Implement an online portal for executives, which helps them to maintain application data in real time.

Generate dynamic reports with different options.

Linked each business opportunity with the search.

Allow the user to generate a presentation for pitching to the client.

Authentication through the third party data provider company.

Integration of a tool to preview different types of documents within the application


Aspire Solutions

Aspire provided a web-based product development offshore team from concept building to product delivery to enhancement, maintenance, and support.

Our business analysts are involved with the customer to understand the core idea and the problems they face in daily life.


Delivered the end product by dividing the work into different milestones so that the client is reviewing all the work at the end of each milestone


Proposed the best-suited technology stack keeping in mind the short- term and the long-term requirements


Integration with third-party cloud based application to fetch data within the application


Development of dynamic reports with different export options


Implementation of the tool to generate the presentation for pitching clients


Managing information regarding business development


Integration of toolfor previewing documents with the application


Implementation of custom roles & permissions for the different types of users


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